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Extended Windows 10 Free Upgrade

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Windows are now allowing another opportunity to take up their free Windows 10 upgrades. Another Chance Microsoft previous offered a Windows 10 upgrade for free to all its customers as a change to  a new ‘as-a-service’ subscription based model. This had ended last August (2016). At the time, users complained about the agressive upgrade tactics,  […]

SSL Certification on our Websites

With modern web attacks becoming more sophisticated, its become industry standard to create secure connections for all websites. Where it was once solely used for financial transactions. SSL certification is now seen as a standard way of showing your site is secure.   To this end, Firefox and Chrome will now display any site that […]

PHP 7.1 Release.

  At the end of 2016. PHP announced that 7.1 was released. What is it, and what it means to you? Almost all websites created out in the internet are based on the PHP language. From small websites to the original Facebook (and in fact, a lot of it is still written in PHP with […]