If you’d like to put a YouTube video on repeat play e.g. because you want to watch or show a work / instructional video, or even listen to your favourite music on a loop while working on your laptop, there are two easy ways to do it. Here’s how:
Go to YouTube.com and navigate to your chosen video.
Method 1
Put the mouse over the video or the play button, right-mouse click, and select the ‘Loop’ option from the drop-down list
Method 2
Go to URL of the video you’re watching e.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECVz610Rkns
Remove the https://www part.
Type the word ‘repeat’ after the word ‘youtube’ in what’s left of the URL e.g. youtuberepeat.com/watch?v=ECVz610Rkns Hit the enter button, you will be re-directed to the listenonrepeat.com website, and your chosen video should now repeat until the page is closed.