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An Apple Byte : $4 Jobs Cheque Sells For $46,063

A single 1976 $4.01 cheque from (and signed by) Apple co-founder Steve Jobs has been sold at auction for a whopping $46,063. 

The cheque, written just four months after Apple was founded, was written for a purchase at Radio Shack, where co-founder Steve Wozniak famously bought a TRS-80 Micro Computer System.  

The components from the computer were used by Wozniak to help build the ‘blue box’ which could enable users to make free long-distance phone calls. Beginning in 1972 the pair reportedly sold around 200 of the blue boxes for $150 each and this was the first commercial collaboration between Jobs and Wozniak.  

Steve Jobs is quoted as saying: “If it hadn’t been for the Blue Boxes, there would have been no Apple. I’m 100% sure of that.” 


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