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TICKTICK For Centos 7

As many of you may know. I’m a huge supporter of Linux, and I run my life through To Do lists. I currently have 3 lists on my desk, and one that follows me around. “TickTick

Why TickTick?

I have tried and used a wide range of trackers. From googles “Notes” to Wunderlist (Now ToDo) and everything in between. For a long time, I had settled on “Wunderlist” because partly I enjoyed their native App that worked on my machines (Linux) and phone (Android). It allowed me to focus on one app. (I’m also a huge fan of GTD (https://gettingthingsdone.com/) and Atomic Habits. So the lists, recurring jobs, etc. All worked out of the box in a way I liked. Sadly Wunderlist was bought out by Microsoft and merged into ToDo ( https://to-do.microsoft.com/tasks/) as much as they look didn’t bother me. I didn’t want to have my ToDo list tied in with any specific account (Gmail/Hotmail/Outlook etc). So I started my research into what I could use instead.

Several searches and some really helpful Reddit posts later. I found TickTick. Major points to start it was that I could import my Wunderlist directly into it. It has the ability to link with my ICals and works on my phone. I instantly went Pro with it (annual payment, but I needed the extra benefits.) and I couldn’t move away now unless something totally blew my mind.

BUT (there is always a “BUT” in these posts). I was forced to use the browser plugins to have the list on my PC. This frustrated me as I often like to “Clean slate” things between jobs, where I close all my windows and Apps down and opening the apps as I need them. But having the list locked with my browser meant I had to open it even if my next task didn’t require a browser in any sense.

So, another 2 hours of search and study, and I discovered https://github.com/jiahaog/Nativefier which works amazingly well with Linux.

So as a thank you, and quick “How To” below will help you set up your own free-standing APP for TickTick in Centos 7.

How to install TickTick on Centos

  • Make sure you have NPM installed. If not visit here: https://linuxize.com/post/how-to-install-node-js-on-centos-7/
  • run in a terminal: sudo npm install nativefier -g
  • mkdir nativefier
  • cd nativefier
  • nativefier -p linux -a x64 https://www.ticktick.com/#q/all/tasks –internal-urls “accounts.google.com.|https://www.ticktick.com/” (only use this if you need to link with your Gmail Account)
  • Rename the new folder to just “ticktick”
  • cd ticktick
  • Rename the file TickTickTodolist,chec* to “TickTick”
  • sudo chown root chrome-sandbox
  • sudo chmod 4777 chrome-sandbox

What you now have is a working TickTick. The next step is to create a Desktop/shortcut if you wish.

  • I move TickTick folder out into my Home Directory for this as I like to have my software there.
  • go to your /home/users/{USER}/.local/share/applications
  • create a new file “ticktick.desktop”
  • insert into the file :

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=”/home/users/{USER}/TickTick/TickTick” %f
Comment=To Do List for TickTick

  • I added my own logo.png as the one that is originally created isnt to my taste.
  • now type in ticktick and you should have it available.

Any questions comment below and I’ll do my best to answer them within two to three workdays.

If you wish to sign up Feel free to use the following link:


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2 responses

    1. This is not something I’ve tried with the reboot. This basicly wraps the ticktick website in a wrapper to run independently to Firefox/chrome etc. I’ve found it keeps the changes if it goes off line and then back online, but not tried it through a reboot stage. I’d probably guess it would not save it.

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