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Tech Tip – Find Files By Date

If you have produced and stored many files on your computer over time, in multiple folders, it can sometimes be difficult to find the file you need. One way to narrow the search in Windows 10 is to search by date. Here’s how:

  1. Choose the folder, drive, or library you want to search.
  2. Click in the search box (upper right corner of the File Explorer window).
  3. Type datemodified: operator (doesn’t matter if there’s a space after the colon), followed by a date / date range.

The format for the date range can be e.g. a single date in any standard date format, a range of dates e.g. 20/1/2018 .. 20/2/2018, a month or year or both, or a relative term e.g. last week, last month. Alternatively :

  1. Click in the search box to bring up the Search Tools tab on the ribbon.
  2. Click the Date Modified button.
  3. Choose one of the available options.

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