Trump’s New FCC Chairman Pushes To End Net Neutrality
After the Net Neutrality regulations from 2015 were partially overturned in May 2017, Donald Trump’s new chair of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is pushing to end net neutrality after a final vote this month. What Is Net Neutrality? In short, Net Neutrality means that ISPs (who control the data pipeline) treat everyone’s data (emails, […]
Facebook For Children Launched
Facebook has launched ‘Messenger Kids’. The standalone app on a ring-fenced network is targeted at young people for use on their tablets or smartphones but can be controlled from a parent’s Facebook account. Challenge The challenge identified by Facebook is that young people are being given access to tablets and smartphones, but their parents are […]
Amazon Targets Businesses With Voice Activated Digital Assistants
Amazon with its best-selling digital voice assistant now has its sights set on a role for Alexa in the workplace with its plans to launch Alexa for Business. Amazon Dominant Amazon’s Echo dominates the voice-assistant market with a more than 70% share. 11 million Alexa devices have already been sold and last Christmas, Alexa-enabled devices […]
Police Web & Phone Snooping Powers Curbed
The need to comply with a European Court Ruling has meant that senior UK police officers are to lose the power to self-authorise snooping on personal phone and web browsing records. What Ruling? This latest development is the upholding of a ruling (after an appeal) that was sent to the European Court of Justice (ECJ) […]