Tech News : Get Notified By Google If Your Passwords Are Compromised
As part of Google’s latest security updates to Chrome and Android, users will not only be alerted if any of the passwords in their Password manager are compromised but will also be given the opportunity to make a quick fix. Quick Fix – Change Password In the ongoing competitive battle between Google’s Chrome browser (and […]
Tech News : New Privacy Features For Android 12
Google has announced the release of the first beta of Android 12 which has a range of new features including some security measures which Google hopes can match those of Apple. Design Change Announced recently at a developer conference, and on Google’s blog, the addition of the new features to Android 12 mark the “biggest design […]
Featured Article – The Issue of Push Payment Fraud Reimbursement
With Barclays Bank recently publishing the figures of refunds it made to customers who fell victim to authorised push payment (APP) fraud, there have been calls for greater transparency and reform to the current (voluntary) reimbursement code. Authorised Push Payment (APP) Fraud APP refers to situations where consumers have used a bank transfer to pay […]
Tech Insight – What Are Firewalls?
In this article, we take a brief look at what a firewall is, what types there are, and the benefits and drawbacks of firewalls. Firewall A firewall is a network security system that can monitor and control incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules. Based on these rules, it decides whether to […]