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Tech News : Ofcom Mandates Age Checks for Online Adult Content
The UK communications regulator, Ofcom, has announced robust new measures to prevent children from accessing online pornography (plus other potentially harmful content), a key component

Tech News : GoDaddy Complaint Over Years of Poor Cybersecurity
The US International Trade Commission (ITC) has issued a scathing complaint against web-hosting giant GoDaddy, accusing the company of failing to implement basic cybersecurity tools

Windows Wizardry : Maximise Laptop Battery with Windows 11 Energy Saver
Discover how to use Windows 11 Energy Saver to extend your laptop’s battery life and reduce energy consumption, with straightforward steps to customise it to

Sustainability-in-Tech : Driller-Robots Harness Geothermal Energy
Borobotics, a Swiss startup, has unveiled an autonomous drilling machine that could make geothermal energy more affordable and accessible, transforming how we harness heat from

Video Update : Use ChatGPT Scheduling For Tasks
This handy new feature from those clever people at OpenAI now lets you set ‘tasks’ which can then be scheduled for specific times and the

Tech Tip – Use “Ctrl + D” to Quickly Bookmark Pages in Edge or Chrome
Save important webpages instantly as bookmarks with a simple shortcut to avoid losing valuable resources or frequently visited sites. Here’s how: Open a Browser: –